Browser performance management across all sections
Browser monitoring

Problems that may occur in the browser from front-end to back-end can be monitored in real time from your perspective.

Browser Monitoring

It collects various performance metrics from browsers to identify bottlenecks and performance issues, and provides improvements for problems that occur in your environment.

Browser Insight

Unique features of WhaTap Browser

  • Web page performance monitoring across all sections

    From the user's perspective, it measures the browser performance across all sections in real time, allowing efficient performance monitoring and management.

  • Browser error analysis

    It traces JavaScript errors and responds to browser issues.

  • Real-time browser performance dashboard

    You can easily check the web page performance and failure status to quickly improve services and increase user satisfaction.

  • Correlation analysis between the browser and applications

    We can improve user experience by comparing front-end and back-end sections through correlation analysis with back-end transactions for the requests that start from web applications.

Real-time browser dashboard
By monitoring the user experience and performance of the web browser in real time, you can check the page load-based statistical data, AJAX data, and errors occurring in the web browser in real time.
Analyzing the page load
By providing a graph chart that displays the times required for each section during the page load, you can identify bottleneck sections and proceed with optimization.
Tracing the browser errors
By providing the error stack, browser, OS, device, and page URL to collect the browser's front-end errors, you can accurately identify and fix the browser errors.
AJAX Detailed Information
By measuring AJAX request and response times and tracing AJAX HTTP requests by integrating with applications, you can identify the bottlenecks that interfere with the web page performance for enhancement.
Core Web Vitals
Core Web Vitals is an important metric for the web page performance, defined by Google, including page load time, response time, rendering time, and user interaction time. Collecting and analyzing this information can help your website gain top rankings.
User behavior analysis
페이지 내에서 사용자의 활동을 분석하고 발생하는 에러를 추적하여 장애의 원인을 찾을 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 사용자가 사이트를 이용하는 방식에 대한 인사이트를 얻고, 사용자 행동 패턴을 파악할 수 있습니다.

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