
Easy and fast site check, WhaTap URL Monitoring

How do you check numerous sites running? Enter the URL only.WhaTap URL Monitoring takes care of everything.

Simple URL registration and free monitoring

All the functions in WhaTap URL Monitoring are provided for free up to 10 URLs (excluding SMS text message). Registration of 11 or more URLs is possible with a paid subscription.

Automated site check service

WhaTap URL Monitoring replaces the operational task to check whether there is a problem with use of the website from the perspective of end users..


global url check
Checking the global service URL

You can select and monitor service areas such as North America, Europe, and Asia.

free url monitoring
Complimentary service

All functions of WhaTap URL Monitoring are provided for free up to 10 URLs.

site status check
Site availability check

Through the HTTP status code, you can check in real time whether the end users have no access to the site.

site status check detail
Site performance monitoring

Check the time to access the site from the server in Seoul, Tokyo, etc.

url event setting
Notification settings for each URL

WhaTap URL Monitoring provides notification channels that are using email, mobile push, and 3rd-party.

Integrated dashboard configuration for WhaTap services

The integrated dashboard allows you to configure the dashboard as well as other WhaTap services such as servers, applications, databases, etc.

Try WhaTap DEMO Now.