
Go Application
Performance Monitoring

Check the performance of your Go application in real-time. Secure information such as web service response time, database connection, and more.

Real-Time Monitoring of Integration and Invocation Relationships

Track the linkage of transactions across multiple MSA-based projects.

Track the call relationship of application service transactions that are composed of different platforms.

Collecting Go Runtime Information

Continuously collects information from the Go Runtime package. It collects information about memory, goroutines, and gc.

Supported platforms

  • Golang 1.17 and higher
  • CentOS/Redhat 6.x (64bit) and higher
  • Debian/Ubuntu 12.04(64bit) and higher
  • Amazon linux (64bit)
  • Alpine linux (64bit)
  • net/http, gin, chi, fiber, gorilla, echo, fasthttp
  • database/sql, gorm, redigo
  • grpc, sarama, k8s.ig/client-go

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